• Date:

    December 6-8, 2024


    Hong Kong

  • publication:

    Springer Book Series Environmental Science and Engineering

  • Indexing

    EI Compendex, Scopus

Conference Report

Welcome the participants from China, Japan, the USA, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, etc to join ICRER2024 in Hong Kong face to face. All of scholars have academic communication and shared research findings during the conference.

Thanks for the wonderful opening speech by Professor Kaimin Shih from The University of Hong Kong, China,  Professor Kwun Nam Hui from University of Macau, China delivered his keynote speech "Advances in Potassium-ion Batteries: Materials Design and Solid Electrolyte Interface Analysis".

Dr. Kuichang Zuo from Peking University, China presented his invited speech "Anti-wetting Membrane for Efficient Desalination and Extreme Concentration of Hypersaline Water in Membrane Distillation". And Dr. Peng Gao from Harvard University, USA also gave a very interesting invited speech "Integrating Targeted and Non-Targeted Exposomics for Advanced Environmental- and Bio-monitorings".